Projects Asia & The Pacific

Safety in the Field (SIF): Workshop for Japanese NGOs and ToT Follow-Up Meeting

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) | Dec 2017

InterWorks conducted a Safety in the Field (SIF) workshop in support of the Japan NGO Initiative for Safety and Security (JaNISS). The SIF was attended by 30 participants and was held from 12-14 December 2017.

In addition, there was a one-day meeting on 15 December 2017 which was a follow-up event for participants from the August 2017 Security Risk Management Training of Trainers workshop. Participants in the SIF were from a diverse range of Japanese NGOs with observers from MoFA, the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force and JANIC.

The workshop agenda for the SIF was agreed based on discussions with JaNISS and their preference for a 3-day event covering both personal safety and security and an introduction to security risk management. The personal safety and security topics were based on the standard eCentre SIF materials but modified and condensed for shorter sessions (generally 45 minutes). The workshop facilitators delivered short presentations of the agreed safety and security topics. Presentations were supplemented with small group activities and, to the extent possible in the training facility, practical security-related exercises.

The workshop was well-organized and covered a wide range of topics in limited timeframe. It was a great opportunity for me to improve my awareness and knowledge on security issues.

– Workshop participant