United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Sep 2018
InterWorks facilitated a three-day Safety in the Field (SIF) and a two-day Training of Trainers workshop from 10-14 September 2018 in Tokyo, Japan.
The ToT was attended by 15 participants and held 13-14 September 2018in support of the Japan NGO Initiative for Safety and Security (JaNISS). The SIF was attended by 29 participants the ToT was attended by 15 participants. Participants were from a diverse range of Japanese NGOs, JICA and the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF).
The SIF workshop facilitators delivered short sessions including presentations and small group activities for the agreed safety and security topics. In addition, a practical field exercise with simulations related to checkpoints, carjacking, hostage taking and negotiating with angry, emotional people. The SIF-ToT consisted of two eCentre-led sessions related to presentation and facilitation skills. The remainder of the ToT was devoted to participant practice in training skills. Individuals delivered short presentations and then received evaluative comments from their peers. In addition, pairs of participants worked together to design and deliver 45-minute training sessions that followed adult learning principles. These presentations were also followed by peer review and feedback sessions.
I appreciate the opportunity to participate the training. It’s a real learning experience for me and I’d like to review and keep updating what I’ve learned here for my career.
– SIF Workshop participant
We were forced (!) to facilitate a session of SIF training and it was excellent learning experience. Thank you so much for excellent facilitation. We could learn a lot of facilitation techniques from the facilitators while they are actually facilitating.
– ToT Workshop participant