Projects Europe

Senior Emergency Leadership Programme (SELP)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Jun 2019

InterWorks facilitated a Senior Emergency Leadership Programme (SELP) workshop event in Ferney-Voltaire, France from 17-20 June 2019. It was the 8th annual event of its kind, and was the first to be conceptualized as one component of a 3-part overall SELP programme to be comprised of (1) this policy-oriented workshop event, (2) an on-line learning component for knowledge- and attitude-based content, and (3) interaction at one of the three following WEM events for leadership skills components.

The SELP was designed to help those on the SCER to succeed at three levels of objectives: strategic, operational, and team-level as described below.

Strategic Leadership Objectives

  1. Better be able to lead, manage and coordinate the development and implementation of an over-arching strategy in emergencies in an inclusive manner which engages all relevant stakeholders, in both refugee operations and IDP operations/complex emergencies
  2. Better understand their own leadership attitudes and skills, including: contextual analysis; external stakeholder relationship building; and assessing, implementing and managing rapid changes in tasks, structures, processes and relationships – and develop a personal plan for continuing improvement.

Operational Leadership Objectives

  1. Be able to apply sound management approaches in an emergency context. This includes establishing and managing emergency operations in line with results-based management principles (e.g. emergency standards and indicators); exercising sound resource and information management, etc.
  2. Recognize the importance of external relations and fund-raising strategies in support of the operation.

Team Leadership Objectives

  1. Review themes, guidance, and approaches necessary for leading a UNHCR team in an emergency, communicating a strategic vision, building the team and managing conflict.
  2. Promote and manage personal and team security, health and well-being.

The whole workshop was very well managed and facilitated, I was also impressed by the time-management given that it is often one of the biggest challenges in this type of workshop. I learned a lot and really had a very interesting week.

– Workshop participant.