International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)/UNESCO Sep 2014
InterWorks, along with UNESCO Addis and UNESCO-IIEP, conducted two workshops from 20-25 September 2014 in Adama, Ethiopia in support of the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education preparations for their fifth Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP-V) for the period 2015/2016 – 2019/2020. The first workshop, a four-day Situation Analysis, involved 32 participants from the Federal Ministry Coordination Committee and the four task forces set up to work on ESDP V. The objectives of the workshop were to create a common understanding of concepts and terminology for education planning and sector analysis; review and refine draft analyses against outcomes and targets of ESDP IV; identify data gaps and next steps to finalize analysis; and prepare for workshop with regional and university representatives.
The second workshop, a two-day Situation Analysis, was also held with the original 32 participants from the Federal Ministry plus an additional 36 representatives from nine Regional Education Bureaus, four TVET institutions (from four different regions) and 23 representatives from 21 universities (see Annex 5). This workshop was an opportunity for the task forces to share information with and obtain information from regional counterparts.