Simulation: Nepali Security Forces: Camp Coordination and Camp Management

International Organization for Migration (IOM) | Oct 2018

For IOM Nepal, Interworks developed a 3-day training including 1.5 days of simulation focusing on camp coordination and camp management. This project was conceived as part of IOM Nepal’s efforts to build the capacity of its partners in the Nepali Security Forces to support CCCM coordination and camp management, in response to a rapid onset natural disaster, in this case, a major earthquake scenario. Read more

Post-Conflict and Post Disaster Preparedness Training (PCPD)

UNESCO | April 2011

Interworks conducted a Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster (PCPD) Preparedness Training in Amman, Jordan. The workshop was based on the previous regional workshops conducted in 2009 in Bangkok, Santiago and Maputo and was modified slightly to include two sessions related to the UN Post Conflict Needs Assessment (PCNA) and Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) processes. Read more