Projects Sub-Saharan Africa

Priority Program Technical Workshop

International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)/UNESCO | Dec 2014


InterWorks, along with UNESCO Addis and UNESCO-IIEP, conducted two workshops from 12-20 December 2014 in Adama, Ethiopia in support of the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education preparations for their fifth Education Sector Development Plan (ESDP-V) for the period 2015/2016 – 2019/2020.

These workshops focused on identification of the overall plan priorities (based on challenges identified in the situation analysis), determination of the plan structure and initial development of the priority programs. The first of two workshops was conducted over five days. Participants included representatives from each of the core planning working groups and the coordination committee of the Federal Ministry of Education. The second workshop was conducted over two days included additional representatives from the Regional Education Bureaus, TVET institutions and Universities.