Projects Europe


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) | Jun 2022

InterWorks facilitated the Workshop on Emergency Management (WEM) for the Emergency Response Team (ERT) roster from 11-17 June 2022 in Starum, Norway. Hosting arrangements for the WEMF2F in Starum were financed by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in direct arrangement with the host institution, the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap – or DSB

This intensive and demanding course prepared participants for surge emergency deployment focusing on three areas of emergency management: managing yourself, managing relationships, and managing your operational role through all phases of the deployment. The course was interactive and work-oriented, and employed a variety of methodologies, including a 3-day field simulation exercise, presentations and case study, as well as group and plenary discussions. The agenda included sessions on team-building, operations planning, financial and administrative systems, operational partnerships, communication and negotiation skills, security, coordination and information-sharing, telecommunications, and humanitarian protection. This was also the second time to conduct the SELP training in parallel with the WEM. Thus, the trainings included periodic planned interactions between the SELP participants as Emergency Team Leaders, and the WEM participants as ERT multi-functional teams.

the F2F sessions has changed the entire training to reality and opened opportunity to have strong connection among the participants.

– Workshop participant